5 Ways to Solve Your Home's Big Chill

Do you need to grab a sweater or hunker down under a blanket when you’re in certain areas of your home? Even though it may seem logical to simply raise the thermostat, that may not solve the problem.
Cold spots around your home may have nothing to do with your furnace, but rather, poor heat circulation. Here are five easy strategies from Petri Plumbing & Heating that can enable air to flow more freely and evenly, distributing warmth more equitably throughout your home.

1. Adjust air vents. Check your vents to see if they’re open or if they can be adjusted to blow in a particular direction. Home improvement stores also sell magnetic air deflectors that attach to metal vent covers so homeowners can control the direction heat flows from the vent.

2. Make sure ducts are clean. If there are cold spots in the home, the vents could be clogged with debris, preventing air from smoothly exiting the vents. A professional heating expert will usually clean the ductwork as part of a full heating maintenance service call. Homeowners should have inspections done regularly to maintain their heating systems.

3. Keep the system fan on even when the heat is not running. Most homeowners put their thermostats on the "auto" setting, but putting the fan in the "on" position keeps air circulating even when the heat is not running. While this method could slightly increase utility bills, it will help air circulate throughout the home at all times.

4. Insulate the home. Fiberglass insulation should last between 80 and 100 years, but if it’s damaged, it could need replacement in the affected area. Sealing attic or basement access points and attaching plastic coverings over windows during the winter months can help protect against cold drafts.

5. Upgrade to a smart thermostat. A smart thermostat can allow you to control the furnace from anywhere. This will help you control the way heat is absorbed and released during the day, and can help you target heat to warm the whole house before coming home from an outing. Having this level of control will allow you to maintain a comfortable temperature at different times during the day.

If these strategies don’t mitigate cold spots around your home, have a heating professional examine your furnace to make sure that’s not the root cause.

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